AxioImager 2

Open Microscope System for Automated Material Analysis​

When you perform advanced materials research introduce ease of use into your light microscopy workflow. Benefit from accurate and reproducible results using ZEISS Axio Imager 2 for materials. Choose the system tailored to your applications. Expand your instrument with dedicated solutions for e.g., particle analysis, confocal or correlative microscopy.

➤ Reproducible results

➤ Modular design​

➤ High optical performance

When you perform advanced materials research introduce ease of use into your light microscopy workflow. Benefit from accurate and reproducible results using ZEISS Axio Imager 2 for materials. Choose the system tailored to your applications. Expand your instrument with dedicated solutions for e.g., particle analysis, confocal or correlative microscopy.

➤ Reproducible results

➤ Modular design​

➤ High optical performance


Reproducible Results​

Enjoy Vibration-Free Working Conditions​

Stability is essential if you want to obtain good results. Appreciate the stable imaging conditions of Axio Imager 2, especially when working with high magnifications or performing time dependent studies. Due to the motorization of Axio Imager 2 achieve quick and reproducible results while always working under constant conditions.

Modular Design​

Gain Enhanced Flexibility​

Whether in academic or industrial research, materials microscopy faces various challenges. With Axio Imager 2 you will be able to meet and win these challenges. Attach application-specific components and perform e.g. particle analysis. Investigate non-metallic inclusions (NMI), liquid crystals, or semiconductor-based MEMs. Expand your instrument with dedicated solutions for confocal or correlative microscopy.

High Optical Performance

Achieve Superb Contrast and Resolution

  • Examine a range of materials e.g., metals, composites, or liquid crystals with different contrasting techniques. ​
  • Use reflected light and observe your samples in brightfield, darkfield, differential interference contrast (DIC), circular differential interference contrast (C-DIC), polarization or fluorescence. ​
  • Use transmitted light and examine your samples in brightfield, darkfield, differential interference contrast (DIC), polarization or circular polarization. The contrast manager ensures reproducible illumination settings.

A Choice of Contrasting Techniques​

Cast iron with spherulitic graphite, polished sample, identical same site imaged with different contrasting techniques (field of view 265 µm). Images: courtesy of Dr. H.-L. Steyer, Kesselsdorf, Germany.​




Polarization (crossed polars)​

Polarization with additional lambda compensator

Circular Differential Interference Contrast (C-DIC)



As Multifaceted as Your Surfaces​

Axio Imager.Z2m or Axio Imager.M2m display key operating functions on a touch screen, giving you fingertip control of all motorized components. Additional control buttons are positioned ergonomically around the focus drive, with tactile surfaces that make them easy to distinguish. Axio Imager.D2m has five pre-programmed buttons while Axio Imager.Z2m has ten user-definable buttons. Axio Imager.A2m is encoded.


Flexible Documentation of Temperature Changes

Do you want to examine how temperature influences the behavior of metals, crystals, ceramics or plastics?​

With ZEN core and Linkam heating stages you define heating or cooling experiments. Document the temperature pattern in a time lapse series. The result you obtain is a log of the temperature and vacuum data in each time lapse image. Observe sample changes during the heating or cooling process for example in the field of quality control.


Discover more on metallographic applications.

Materials Science – Liquid Crystalline​

Materials Science - Metals

Industrial Microscopy​

Materials Science - Magnetic Materials

Materials Science – Carbon Fibre​

Solar Cell


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